Friday, June 19, 2020

June Preorder News :D

Happy June, everybody!🎉

For those that follow me on FB, you'll know I fell a bit behind while helping family with some stuff these past few weeks, so, boy, am I happy to be back catching up on edits. And..I have some exciting news *grin*

Both Spanning Worlds: An Askari Series Novel (Mina & Jadar, book3) AND When Fae Collide: Breaking the Veil should now be up for preorder on Amazon Kindle!! Just click on each to purchase *per usual, them be the affiliate links*

Before you get too excited, I know I said before that I'm not the biggest fan of extended preorders (as a reader, that still hasn't changed). But since gaining a better idea of how long it'll take to get both of these books publish-ready *wince*, I didn't see the point in keeping everyone hanging, if I knew the releases would be around the chosen dates. I'm still super excited to give this thing a go, because from what I understand, if a book just happens to be uploaded before the set publish date😉 then you get your copy delivered to you as soon as it's available--a win-win, imho.

Current update on Earth's audio is that we're shooting for the end of this month, as things have fallen a little behind there too, due to COVID logistical issues. Our next post will likely be audio related🤞🎧 And then I'll definitely post at least one big teaser from each book here before its official release, just to whet your appetites😏

So hang in there, you guys!💚 I'm chomping at the bit right along with you but I have a feeling at least for me, these next couple of months are going to FLY by lol.

Hope you're all enjoying some summer sunshine while staying safe and healthy🌞🌻


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