Saturday, November 24, 2018

What's Next?

Hello Everyone😏💗
Okay, so it's been a while. What have I been up to? Well, I did take a bit of a break. We went on vacay down south to see family (such a great time). Whenever I visit the Smokies I never want to come back, and now I have hubby wishing there was work for him there to justify the move 😄. I mean, come on. Look at that view!!

But what about book stuff?? Yes. I've been quiet on that front too because 1) I wanted to wait until I finished to say anything and 2) I don't like to beat a dead horse. More on that later...

First, the excting news: I've decided to skip the one-off I was planning and go right into Mina and Jadar's story (YAY), of which I am still toying with the title. But I've already started developing things between these two, and can I say? I am SO excited for this book :D Without giving too much away, big questions are answered and things go galactic *eyebrow wag* There will be snippets/appearances from Tori and Aderus too, for those that are still craving more.

Second. You may have noticed I posted Earth's addendum (mainly for those that bought the early version in September) for your reading pleasure. It includes the Epilogue leading into book3 so be sure to check that out because it is pertinent to the story. Right now though we're shooting for a Spring-ish 2019 release with a cover reveal after the new year😀 It may take me a bit longer to get this one out because I plan to allot myself significant time to edit...and edit, and edit😄 I've learned my lesson.

Which leads me to my "later" comment. There is a revision/update now available for Earth as I prepare to finally format and post the print this week. For any who purchased the book before November, you will definitely notice a difference. There are extended scenes, tone and dialogue changes. Basically, it's the book I wish I had released (a newbie mistake I don't intend to repeat!) and can honestly say I'm as proud of this finished product as I was my first book. Which is a tall order, apparently.

Many valid criticisms were addressed-- thank you for your honest reviews. And for those that still loved it, flaws and all, you are my champions and I adore you😊💖 This was not a rewrite; the story is still the same. There's just more to love.
Anyway, that's that! Comments? Fire away. And thank you so much, my cheerleaders. With any luck book 3 will dazzle.

Love and Hugs,
P.S. Happy Belated Thanksgiving All! Gobble, gobble. Below is an example of an extended scene included in the revision. Enjoy😘
P.P.S. Just updated the promo tab but Askara will be 99c this coming weekend and for 3 days in Dec, leading up to and including Christmas!!

*Extended scene*

Chasing Earth by J.M. Link
Copyright 2018, J.M. Link
All rights reserved.

...Tori came up behind him when he suddenly halted. She’d been looking down and made a startled sound, hands lightly grazing his back to catch herself. He hissed softly. The muscles beneath his havat were unyielding and his ears stood erect through his tresses.  
“No one watches here,” he said.
Tori looked around wide-eyed. “How do you know?”
“I know,” he rumbled, turning slowly.
“Did you know the light-skinned male has been in the arboretum since right after my eyes changed and I was quarantined?
Aderus’s eyes sparked, thick braids rustling. He bit out a word, but it didn’t seem directed at her. “Why speak of him?”
Tori’s brows drew together as she stared up at him. “Because no one said anything, I just found out today. Why would they have hidden it? And on a related note, why do you all seem to treat him so differently? Jadar didn’t even know his name and didn’t seem to care. I know you two disputed, but Braxas is just as violent, and I can tell he dislikes me more.”
He looked away with a rolling click when her little oration ended, as if he’d momentarily lost interest. He didn’t want to talk about this for some reason. “Aderus?”
Glowing gold eyes locked with hers, then moved between them—Tori still didn’t know what they looked like in the dark.
“He is palkriv,” he growled.
“Okay, and what does that mean?”
“His traits are undesirable, so he is ignored and lives between worlds.”
Undesirable? The only thing different about him was the color of his skin and it triggered a memory. Aderus had pointed out her pallor while trying (and failing miserably) to “woo” her. Along with every other “unattractive” feature. The way the male seemed fixated on her skin, the apparent connection she’d felt; it was like he was searching for acceptance. And since his own species shunned him… Her knee-jerk reaction was disgust and Tori’s jaw clenched, but she crossed her arms over her chest, wanting to understand it.
“Why undesirable, exactly?” She sensed the glow from Henry brighten.
Aderus drew up. “Why do you speak of him?” he said again. It smacked of jealousy; were he human she’d be sure of it.
“I’m trying to understand,” she responded. “Humans have different colors too, you know. We’ve learned the hard way it’s wrong to treat someone unequally just because of the way they look. I’m attracted to you because of your differentness, Aderus, not in spite of it. So, tell me why it matters?”
His eyes flicked over her body again, looking for something but she couldn’t say what. He must have found it though because he answered her.
“We will always yearn to hunt. It is our nature, and a measure of strength and ability. All of Askara’s terrain is dark, the atmosphere thinner. Those born with your color cannot blend and their skin is weak. It blisters, becomes diseased. The purpose of breeding is to produce strong progeny.”
Of course. Everything came back to weakness with them. It seemed like such a contradiction, how a comparably advanced race could still be so primitive. So ruled by instinct when it came to matters of emotion and culture.
“I see.” She nodded, trying to keep her feelings in check. The explanation helped but that didn’t excuse anything. “Well, those things have no relevance here and there aren’t any females, so I fail to see why he should be treated any different.” 
“There are females.” Aderus responded, pushing close, and thick braids skimmed her shoulders. The rough purr distracted her, despite Tori’s best efforts, and when his meaning registered her heart skipped. Compared to how he’d first viewed her, what he said was more than a compliment and it sparked some pretty heavy emotions. Tori looked down, fighting through them.
A twig snapped, and heat from his body suddenly blanketed her as a soft growl stirred the hair at the crown of her head. It sent tingles along her skin, and Tori inhaled with the sensation, breathing his unique smell. When her fingers began to twitch with the sudden need to touch him, she didn’t fight it. Instead she swallowed, lifting them slowly to settle gently on his stomach, as the flesh beneath her fingers jumped.
The air shifted, and Tori then froze when claws caught and abruptly held along her hips and backside, followed by the heavy weight of his hands. She felt a hesitant bump to her forehead, his fingers flex into her flesh…and literally couldn’t breathe. Not wanting to risk disturbing what was possibly their first real intimate moment.
Her eyes were closed, nose practically touching his chest.
Tori hadn’t realized how much she wanted this, how voraciously she’d hungered for it, until her lip began to tremble, and she swallowed painfully this time, pushing her face into his torso.
To her shock and pleasure, Aderus didn’t pull away. Instead they stayed like that for some time. Until he rumbled low, bumping her head lightly again and Tori finally released her breath; slowly, to center herself. If she blubbered all over him now, she doubted he’d be eager to repeat the experience.
The glow from Henry had brightened with the force of her emotions, but Tori ignored it as a light touch grazed the back of her neck, beneath her ponytail. She assumed it was Aderus, rooting around. But the second touch came as more of a knocking, and it caused her to frown.

Her eyes flew open as soon as she realized what it was. Bugs!! Henry was attracting bugs! ...


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