Tuesday, September 25, 2018

*Earth Update/Addendum*

Hello everyone👋💕

For those that follow me on Facebook , this post is probably going to be word for word...

Before I come clean, I want to say I've just posted a significant update to Earth. The main story line has not changed, but you'll notice it does read a little different (much better) and the biggest change is a 2-3 chapter addendum at the end. Important questions are answered, there's a really satisfying chapter with Tori & Aderus (I think) and a great lead into book 3 (Mina & Jadar's story).
*It should update automatically on Kindle but if not, go to More and Book Updates.

Yes, I did go dark this past week while trying to get out something I feel really good about. And I want to thank everyone SO much for your support and feedback. This actually started as just an addendum. But when I started reading the version of Earth I released last Friday, I wasn't proud. I hope you won't crucify me for that statement and all I can say is, I'm someone who has to learn the hard way.

Every author has their own pace and I've learned quickly through this book, what mine is. Askara was a completely different animal. That was my hobby over 3-5 years of working full time and juggling a very demanding career but the advantage to that was, I stepped away. So when I came back I had perspective. That did not happen with Earth, and for that I apologize. It's a mistake I certainly don't intend to repeat so for those that I haven't lost, I implore you, stay with me 💞 The one thing I can say? "Deadlines"-- Never again Lol.

Some of the things I've addressed to my satisfaction: inner dialogue, excessive verbiage and the feeling of connection/intimacy/affection between our H and h. The addendum also includes some progression, but I can tell you, we will see a lot more of that in Mina and Jadar's book.

Anyway. So concludes me spilling my guts @ nearly 3am Lol. I sincerely hope you enjoy, but honestly, I would have posted this update even if there were no one there to read it, because as I've often said- I'm my own worst critic.

Love & Hugs. Happy reading 😜

P.S. The update should go through sometime today- if/when you see Chapter 20 (not in the original version)😉💓


  1. Not seeing Chapter 20 as of right now. Even after selecting book updates. Anyone else able to access it?

    1. Hi Jess! Is it a purchase or KU or library lend...??

    2. Jess- I just found out if you got it through Kindle lending library Amazon doesn't give you access to updates :(:( If it's KU, as long as you didn't return it before the update posted then you should be good to go. If it was a purchase and neither of the things below work (see reply to Daphne;) I'd call Amazon/Kindle. I actually had to for my own copy but it was quick and easy :D <3

  2. I am not seeing at update either with my purchase. Exciting news tho, I hope I get to read it!

    1. Hi Daphne! :) Yeah, you definitely should have received the update by now. There are a couple of things I'd try before calling Amazon: 1) if it's the Kindle app, try uninstalling then reinstalling. Login and then go to More and Book Updates. 2) Login to your Amazon (not Kindle) account. Go to Your Account, then Content and Devices- the update should be listed next to Earth. If neither of these work, I'd call Amazon/Kindle. Or have them call you- takes 2 min, so easy. In the Kindle app, go to More, Help and Feedback, then Contact Us (Additional Help), App Issues, Other Issues and choose Phone. They call you right away and can download the update for you<3 Hope this helps and thank you!! ;)

  3. I just finished Chasing Earth and loved it! I'm going to go wax rhapsodic on Amazon.


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