Thursday, August 2, 2018

August 5th Pricing!

*Omg* I had planned to give more notice but then forgot (yup, sounds like me): Askara will be 99c this Sun Aug 5th and I'll be dropping the print to $9.99 for the day as well. 😃 I had this promo scheduled like 3 months ago, but don't worry! I'll be doing again once Earth releases. 😉💕

...Ahhh, Friday. My second favorite "F" word 😄 Enjoy your weekend everyone.


  1. Ahhh Fridays. They are a bit of a pain in the butt at times, aren't they? Thank you for letting us know about the price changes! I'll keep on reborrowing it through KU, as I'm told it's better money for the author. I'll be reading Saving Askara for the 8th time just before Chasing Earth release s. God I love your work!

  2. Cassandra, you're a gem LOL <3 No pressure for book 2, right? ;) :D Seriously though, I'm flattered :):) XO

    1. No pressure. Really! I know how hard it is to turn out a published book, all the edits and re writes take forever! I'm just glad you're working on it!

  3. I cannot wait! I’m so excited for this release! Eek!

    1. Thanks Anita! :D <3 Me too haha

    2. I've literally been checking Amazon and the blog every day since last week haha.

  4. Is it the end of August yet? I foiled myself on this one. I somehow thought it was a standalone. I typically save series until all of the books are released because... suspense is... I can't do it. *sits in corner rocking* Happy writing!

    1. Hi Kasey :):) Oh no! Lol. I know, I actually loath cliffies too and only released my debut that way because I was juggling a pretty extreme career change and needed to either put out what I had or risk never finishing it ;) Promise, no more. And JUST sent Earth's manuscript to my editor, so hoping for next weekend release. Eep! <3

  5. It's 130 am. Still a few weeks to go. I was gonna wait to re read Saving Askara till Chasing Earth came out, but it's been a rough day. So reading it again with chocolate. Its totally not weird right?

    1. <3<3 Why didn't I think of that?! Chocolate makes everything better ;) And totally not weird at all. Pretty sure the number of times I re-read books, re-watch movies or play a song till I kill it qualify as forms of torture LOL. If that's weird than I'm guilty too. P.S. Glad I could help take your mind off a crappy day <3 :)

  6. Upstate New York here�� can not wait for earth to drop! I've been checking daily for the book's release date.

  7. When does the book release? Are we able to preorder?

  8. I can't wait for Chasing Earth!! Can you give us an ETA? You are an amazing JM!!💕💟✌


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