Friday, October 4, 2024

October Happenings

Hello Lovely Readers, 

And Happy October❣🧡 We were fighting some nasty colds recently so I missed our intended post(s) and snippet(s). Last month was also birthday parties and back-to-school...and I can't believe I'm even typing this, but our little one just started preschool! Like, wha...?? Where did the time go! It just seems to be moving faster and faster, I swear lol. 

Right now, I'm working on Dawn as much as possible, as well as trying to get Worlds ready for recording🤞 Updates to come as soon as I have them. But as usual, any and all excerpts (plus other extras) are available in full on the Patreon Page😊 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Enjoy!☕🍂🍁🎃

Askara #4 Before the Dawn (Roz & Xaphan's story) sneak peek cont'd...

Wells closed his eyes for a moment, clearly struggling with telling the big Askari no. Well, that was his problem, Roz thought. They might work for the same people, but there were lines, and for her this was one of them. If he chose to report her, it’d be a first too. Her record was immaculate; she pursed her lips.

     She also knew most of the other spec ops were just as uncomfortable with the idea of having to exchange blood with their newfound allies as she was, but true to their character, they'd put duty first. That’s what she was trying to do. Until the ambassador blindsided her with a whole different kind of Askari, as her gaze flicked over him once more where he stood behind Wells. He was bigger than the others. The wicked claws at the end of each of his long, thick fingers seemed bigger too. Oh, she had an answer alright...

“I suppose I'll have to find Representative Aderus,” Wells said. “Maybe he can help solve this situation.”

    “Understood,” Roz replied with relief. It was a relief that was short-lived as the dread-lock things atop Xaphan’s head suddenly lifted. There was a deep throated hiss and then he made to lunge at her. Roz jerked, her entire body going immediately on the defensive as instinct and years of training prepared her for the hit she knew was coming... Until it didn’t.

     Roz tore her gaze away from his deadly claws. It was a fake, she realized when he growled softly, watching her with bright yellow eyes. Was he serious right now?? Her thoughts flew. You mother— “Am I dismissed, sir?” Roz breathed through her nose.

     “Wha—yes!” Wells had stepped to the side, his eyes still wide. “Yes, dismissed. Thank you, Captain.”

     Roz gave the big Askari a lasting glare and spun to leave. So, she’d been right. He did want to fight her, she thought, her heart still slamming in her chest. She shook her head as she stalked down the hallway...

There was only one thing that helped calm her down when she got this riled, Roz thought as she drew up short. Hopefully Sanchez answered his comm...and on that note, she headed for the training room.

Before the Dawn, by J.M. Link
Copyright 2024, J.M. Link
All rights reserved
*unedited & subject to change*

October Happenings

Hello Lovely Readers,  And Happy October❣🧡 We were fighting some nasty colds recently so I missed our intended post(s) and snippet(s). Last...