Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Patreon Launch

I am so pleased to announce that the Patreon Page is now LIVE everybody!

For all of you that have been asking and messaging, I've really just been in awe💞 I swear, I have THE best group of readers ever. You guys are awesome😊

Below you'll see I pasted the About section from the site, as well as the Membership information. Our first excerpt is from Collide's new extended edition, which is at 72,000 words and counting, but I'd really love for our next excerpt to be from Roz and Xaphan's book--which still doesn't have a title yet, it'll come to me. You might also notice a couple of new book covers in the collage above...but before anyone goes rushing off to Kindle to see if they're available (cringe), MidAutumn and Moloch are actually never-before-seen covers for current WIPs. In a way, I guess you could consider this their cover reveal. I wanted to include them on the Page, however, as a reminder of its purpose which is to bring these stories to life. That is exactly what your monthly subscription will be helping to do, and as I've stated before, I cannot thank you enough🙏

The first 25 subscribers will also receive an Askara bookmark and pen set as part of our 1st giveaway--I will post a pic soon. Right now, though, I'm off to the writing cave to see if I can't add some word count before this mommy has to pick up her little one. 

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!




 About JM Link

Hi there, and welcome to my Patreon Page :)

If you're here, I'm assuming you want more. That's exactly what I want too! And it's why I'm asking for your help. Because the truth is, I need more time to get all of the wonderful stories inside my head out and onto paper for you all to enjoy. More freedom to juggle the demands of a high-stress day job with the very serious responsibility of being the best mommy I can be to the cutest toddler. And last, but certainly not least, I need the financial figures to be able to continue to do what I love, and what many of you are hopefully here to help support (for which, I cannot thank you enough <3). So, if you're wondering just how you can get those steamy characters' stories you've been dying to read that much faster, and you are truly in a position to afford a few extra bucks a month, then please consider subscribing.

How will my Patreon subscription help, and what do I get out of it??

So, typically, creators will offer several tiers at varying price points that come with increasing perks. But for the sake of making it easy and affordable, I've kept it at just 1 tier of $5; at least until we can get enough Patrons to free up more of my time so that I can, in turn, offer more ;) Like art, swag and even character letters: All things I'd love to be able to do as the Page grows. For now, however, the idea is that I be using any/all time afforded by your contributions to decrease the hours I must work at my day job so that I can write more--as much as possible!

Along those lines, this Page was created with the following goals in mind:

  • $1000 per month will pay for our childcare <3

  • $2000 per month--I'll be able to drop my day job hours back down to part-time (just 1 or 2 days a week). Woohoo!!

  • $3000 per month----I'll be able to work per diem (just a few days a month). Even more time to write and I'll also be able to start paying down my massive student loan debt, as well as afford an expanded editing team. If by some miracle we are able to hit this goal...I will probably cry. No joke.

That's great, but what exactly will my $5 per month subscription get me? I need details

Each month I will post a minimum of at least one Patreon-exclusive WIP excerpt, along with one other additional perk, including, but not limited to: Day in the life video shorts, Q&A sessions, new audio release giveaways (first come, first served), new e-book release giveaways, limited numbers of signed print giveaways, and swag giveaways *when available (pens, bookmarks etc). While I may have offered these things in the past via social media or through my Mailing List, they will now be entirely exclusive to Patreon.

A lot of this stuff other authors offer for free on their social media sites or Mailing Lists. What gives?

Oh, how I wish I were one of those authors that could do it all! Lol But we all work at our own pace. My creative process has always been on the slower side, unfortunately, and time is money. There is a very nice post on my blog with all the details of our current situation if you care to read more (, but basically, my time is so much more limited now that without the potential contributions from this Page--which other authors may not need to do due to varying circumstances--I will have to take a very significant hiatus from writing simply because we can no longer afford it. As authors, we are not paid to write, but to publish, after all, and as is more or less known in the indie community, it takes around 20-25 published books for most of us to sustain ourselves comfortably on writing alone. I'm not even close to that number, ha.

But I could be, with your help ;) So let's do this! 

With love,



The Book Club 

$5 / month

Your subscription is so appreciated. Each month I will post a minimum of at least one unedited, Patreon-exclusive WIP excerpt/chapter, along with one other additional perk, including, but not limited to:

  • New audio release giveaways (first come, first served)

  • New e-book release giveaways

  • Limited numbers of signed print giveaways

  • Swag giveaways *when available (pens, bookmarks etc)

  • Day In The Life video shorts

  • Q&A sessions

  • Exclusive content
  • Private community
  • Early access
  • Work-in-progress updates (digital)
  • Complete post archive
  • Exclusive voting power
  • Live Q&As
  • Digital e-book or publication

Still interested in subscribing? You can do so here 😊

February Update

Hiya everybody, Just a quick check-in to say that things are moving along.  3002 is officially done, and I'm just finishing up some self...