Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Post-Baby Update

Hi, Everybody πŸ‘‹

Wow, I apologize! I really didn't mean for a whole 9 months to go by without an update! Especially since I realized the other day it probably would have been nice to let everyone know that all is okay--baby is wonderful, I'm fully recovered (though chronically sleep-deprived) and hubbs is great too. 

Our son was born Sept 23rd: A healthy, beautiful boy πŸ˜ŠπŸ’– Ugh, I just want to eat his cheeks lol. He's been pulling himself up and taking first steps; I think we're in for it now. It's just so amazing being a first-time Mommy...but man, I won't lie and say it's bliss haha. As all you parents out there know, caring for a baby is HARD work. My recovery was pretty rough, I couldn't walk for the first week so it took me a little while to get back on my feet (literally). I'm also still breastfeeding/pumping, which takes a lot of my time and energy. Side note: I am hungry all of the time, you guys lol. Like I just want ALL the food to the point that eating has become a full-time job. Not that I'm complaining. I love to eat. Yum.

In other news, we were finally able to tackle finding a nice daycare for little man so I think some normalcy is back in sight as far as a writing schedule. But I just wanted to post a quick update to let you all know not to worry. We're doing great, and thank you so much for all the lovely comments/messages πŸ™ You guys are the best πŸ’“

I did just finish training at a new day job with better schedule and hours--life is good *grin*--so you can bet I'm seriously itching to get banging on the keyboard again. I'll post another update soon!



February Update

Hiya everybody, Just a quick check-in to say that things are moving along.  3002 is officially done, and I'm just finishing up some self...