Sunday, June 16, 2019

June Happenings

Hello My Lovely Readers💖
Hadn't meant to go so long between posts, but man. Things are moving! Of course I've been working away diligently on book 3--it's all there, outlined in my head in vivid detail. Just a matter of getting it out. What's the hold up? Well, Lol. Two new fur babies, a PT job that's been closer to FT these last couple months, and then taking care of the business end of things while getting Askara into audiobook (coming soon).

The pups' arrival also made me realize we really needed to finish our back porch. It's the main entrance/exit to our house, and all I can say is, Hallelujah! My home project of almost 2 years will finally be done. *Carpet goes in this week, so happy* But yeah. It's a small three-season room which I completely gutted and primed, painted, re-screened; you name it.  And then this past Wednesday I was able to cash in on what I consider my reward for all that hard labour, as I spent half the day at A.C. Moore picking out decor😀

Anyway, enough about that. On to the good stuff. I'm hoping to have a cover teaser in my hot little hands by August for Spanning Worlds: An Askari Series Novel. This will be Mina and Jadar's story and I'll definitely be posting another nice chapter teaser here before it releases. There's no set date yet, but I'm working on it, guys, believe me. And I so appreciate all your support and messages. I will say I've been toying with the idea of a pre-order, but am still not 100%. It'll depend a lot on how those last few weeks of writing/editing go. The good news? I have a break from my day job these next couple weeks (YES *knuckles cracking*). SO antsy to get in some hardcore word count. Watch out.

Questions? Comments? Please fire away. And don't forget to enjoy that summer sunshine

P.S. A very Happy Father's Day to all you daddies out there!

February Update

Hiya everybody, Just a quick check-in to say that things are moving along.  3002 is officially done, and I'm just finishing up some self...